Have started practicing yoga for about 1 year and I've never thought that it would become one of my favorite sports.
I remember that I took my very first yoga class in University and my first impression is -
SLOW SLOW SLOW .. move slowly , breathe slowly and think slowly. It seemed to be a bit boring to me. Therefore, after a few lesions, I dropped out.
Not until the end of 2005, when I started my new job and I had more spare time to work for my own interests. Yoga become my first trial, after all, I
love it. The yoga club I now attending is hosted by an Indian instructor. The classes are completely different from the uni one. It is a real powerful exercise and it tests your endurances, strengths, flexibility and balancing. Every times when I went through the classes, I felt so relax since you needed to be so focus in the class and therefore all the troubles from works, family are throwing away.
To me, the most difficult part is not the physical challenges (yes … … it sometimes pretty hard and you feel like your foots are torn apart and never be back together), but the metal one. At the end of every session, we are required to
RELAX the whole body and just focusing on your breath. But I never success on this and there are always different thoughts pop in to my mind… like works, food, homeworks... just anything. One times, I tried the meditation class and the whole hour is just like that. I just couldn’t stop thinking and keep twisting my body from here to there….