Jan 29, 2007

Hey.. I am back

Haven't updated my blog for a week time as I was engaged in company's work. Sorry lor..

Anyway, could like to back to the "Baby Jane" series. The picture you see is taken with my eldest brother when we were about 5 -6 years old. We were living in a old village house. At that time, we don't have air-con or even a proper bath room. I remember that we used to taking shower in a plastic big bowl.. it just like the old people using the wooden bath tube.

But the time living there is quite funny, coz we are free to walk around in the village area. There are many different kinds of plants, just like the "Shy Leave" . When you touch it, it gonna fold up ! Have u seen this also ?


etceteramommy said...

Yes Yes. I have seen those leaves that you mentioned. You touch it the petals will kinda fold in (like sei chor) but then a while later it'll back to norm. That's the one rite?

餅子 said...

Bingo... but it become less and less in Hong kOng. Even we go hiking, we seldom saw them now!