Feb 16, 2007

A very warm new year ...

Only 2 days left before the year of PIG, as usual, we will clear up the house and then decorate it with new years items, such as flowers, 揮春Fei Chung ( red paper with greetings) and 吉Tangerine ( chi meaning auspicious ) ....
This CNY will be warm standing at 20 degree!!! I still remember that in our childhood times, we used to wear very think cloths in the new year visiting. Also, the Chinese lily ( 水仙) brought my mum is nearly all open due to the warm weather ! I think it's a god's hint of global warming.
Tulips brought by my mum..

The hint is also found during the planning of my ski trip this year. Our original plan is going to a ski resort at the middle part of Japan ( about 1.5hrs bullet train journey), however, due the the lack of snow in the area and we have to change our destination to the northern part of Japan ( about 2.5 hrs bullet train journey). The snow depth of the middle part is only to 100cm where last year during our visit, it was about 200cm.

So, my new PIG's year wish is - Save the Earth !

Chi Lily at Home New year greeting !

1 comment:

etceteramommy said...

Jane.. chok ni san nin fai lok :D
GongXi GongXi!!