Apr 17, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Dear friends,
I have just read through a film called "An inconvenient truth " ( presented by AL Gore, Former Vice President of US ) which talking about global warming. I guess most of you have already experienced this in our last "HOT " Chinese new year and, indeed, the planet has already sent us a WARNING!I strongly recommend you to see this film and what it has mentioned is so important and serious to our life... not only us.. but our next generations ( ie. your babies, your nieces and nephews.....).

You will find out :
- level of CO2 have been raising by more than 10 times in the pass decades
out of the 20 hottest summers and 14 were found in last 20 years, the most hottest one in 2005
- the world largest lake was dried out
- the iceberg in Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean are melting ....... and more and more

If we are not going to do some things.. we , the human being , shall have to bear the consequences.. like heat waves, giant & destructive typhoons, drought, flooding ... all the things that have been sneaky come into our daily life..My friends, don't wait and pls do some things to save our planet...


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