Feb 4, 2007

Vagina Monologues

Yesterday, I went to see a drama called " Vagina Monologues"... yes ! it is a story about Vagina.. Vagina of different women at different corners of the world .

This drama was written by Eve Ensler in 1996 and has been translated into 35 different languages and performed world-wide. It was written in a times that woman are still linked up to guilt and embarrassment with their sexuality. It talks about Vagina in different contexts :

- Vagina and Old Woman who has no sex in her life time
- Vagina and Man who love to see it
- Vagina and War where woman are being bullied
- Vagina and Birth as it deliver a new life.

For Chinese , this would be a bit strange if you voice out the word " Vagina" directly.. it sometimes like we shouldn't talk about it. After seeing this drama, I have changed a bit as I felt that I have to take care it as it is a very important part of my life.. no only about sex, but also to our health, to being a woman and being a mother !

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