Aug 25, 2007

My first boat trip !

Last Saturday, I finally went for my first boat trip in HK. We had about 20 people boarding the ship at 10:00am. It was a very nice day and God did give us a great present (Because it had been kept on raining the for whole week!). We were heading to the sea at Sai Kung and we started the water sports right away. But I was too scared to try the banana boat coz I really don’t want to be flown off!

Soon after the lunch, we started the key activity of the day – wakeboard! It was the first time I did and guess how many times for my trial to get “standing” on the water … here you go…. The ever first time! It might because I was doing snowboard and the balancing skills are quite the same. But wakeboard is a very energy-consuming sport. I only did about 5 – 6 times and I still feel the pains at my back and shoulders right now!

It was a great adventure and it was so fun to go out from the hustle and bustle life of Hong Kong. Here are some nice pics taken during the return journey!

Hey … Sunset at Sai Kung …

This is the speed boat for wakeboard !

Aug 11, 2007



沒有出海,但去了看”Ratatouille 五星級大鼠”。戲中有一個很重要的信念,就是任何人都可以成為大廚。只要是用心去煮,就可發掘不同的食物配搭,創造新菜式。這是一個很令人鼓舞的訊息,也解釋了為何媽媽煮的皆是美食,也是我的心靈良藥。

在看戲前,我們到 Relaxing Tea House食午餐,食物水準ok。最開心的是可和弟妹一起享用,因為現在大家也要工作,一起用餐的時間也不多。沒有出海的日子,我們也很開心呢﹗

三份午餐,我﹑弟弟和妹妹 !

Aug 8, 2007

Super Power! by Heroes

Last night, TVB Pearl began its new TV series – “Heroes”, which is talking about people with super power! It seems to be an interesting subject. Do we believe in super-nature power? In china, there are many people claimed to have this “unusual” abilities. Would that be a gift or burden to them?

If I was given the chance to have super power, what should I opt for? May be I would wish I can move in a second to wherever I want. The first benefit is that I don’t need to spend more than 2 hours time per day in commuting between office and home. The second benefit is that I can travel around the world whenever I wish… just like one of the character in “Heroes” that he can freely go between Tokyo and NewYork.. It’s fascinating!

Oops.. I should come back from my day-dreaming! I was having a wonderful this afternoon. It was a small but cozy café near my office. The nicest thing is to have lunch with an old colleague (met her at about 4 yrs before, is that counted as “old”?) and we haven’t seen each other for nearly 1 year. There are not so much changes between us… at least both of us are still at the same job! The only thing scares me is the speed of the passing of time…

Here is my lovely lunch…. costs me $42 !

Aug 5, 2007

A new family member

I have been lazy in updating my blog and so I got to do some write up tonight..

My home has a new member to join.. yes, she is from Indonesia and have been working at my home for about 2 weeks. Her name is Faye and this is the first time she works aboard as housemaid. At first,I was very hesitated to hide a domestic helper at home and I always think there will be some problems..and it turns out - so far so good !

Faye is quite willing to learn and she really helps my mom a lot. I felt so relief coz I don't need to feel guilty of spending less time at home. Since my mom used to take care both the housework and the our little grocery shop, I am so afraid that she will be exhausted !

Faye, Hope you will enjoy the time at my home....