Apr 26, 2007

Secretary's Day

I have no idea of what is "Secretary's Day" for until after joining this company last year. We have 2 secretaries in our department, one is directly serving our GM, another one is serving the leasing team. They are different in job functions, so as their outfit.. one is very skinny and one is a bit fat.. regardless of this, they are all very helpful and they teach me the "greatest love" of secretary and their hardness in works. For example,if we are eating out for lunch, they are the late comers also the earlest one to leave.

I have never thought of myself to become a Sec since I always think their work is too clerical. In fact, after organizing a reunion dinner with more than 20 executives last year by myself, i know "making appointment" is never any easy job. Anyway.. happy Secretary's Day to my dearest Skinny and Fat secretaries.

you see... skinny sec. is working overtime ... again!

1 comment:

etceteramommy said...

Hmm.. some secretaries are not as hardworking as the two you have in your company. You all must treasure them lor.. Happy Secretary Day.