Jan 17, 2007

5 things you don't know about me ……

Just realized being tagged and have to tell you that you 5 things that you don't know about me… here you go:

1. Must have breakfast within 30 mins after wake-up. No matters where I am, I have to “eat” something.. like bread, biscuit or even candies ( if I can’t find anything else)

2. Like to be naked after bath. Just feel so free after bathing and I do think the best thing to do is being naked and hang around my own bedroom. Sometimes, I will light up some lavender aroma and put my masks on, just pretend to be doing facial at beauty house… a bit silly, isn’t it ?

3. A scar at my forehead. When I was 4-5 years old, there was a TV ads. about medical bandage sand I pretended to be the children at the TV ads that jumping from one place to another. As a result, I was fallen from my balcony to the grassland outside and with a big scar left.

4. Always mixing up things. I am so careless and always overlook something. For example, when my mum asked me to buy light soya source, I always brought the dark one. The worst example came to my work life that I’d typed one “ZERO” less at one of the tender bid and the cost was submitted at $15,000 (supposed to be $150,000). It was so embarrassed that the government officer asked me why the cost could be so low with such scale of works …… dam, what should I reply?

5. Last but not the least. I was so addicted to Häagen-Dazs…. and my beloved flavor is “Strawberry”. Years and years, Haagen Dazs become a MUST in my birthday and I was so glad that one time my boyfriend brought me a Lai-chee Haagan Dazs birthday cake..

That's all.. do I need to tag somebody else ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that Superman can disturb you soon after your bath. (wink wink)