Dec 14, 2006

A sudden thought from MTR

Yesterday, it was the annual dinner and the venue is at TST. I was taking MTR from Causeway Bay to TST. Everyone in HK knows that Admiratly station is the most busy station. If you would like to see how people running over the platform, it would be the best place.

If you have been to other metropolitian cities, you might realize that HK is the only place where people are "running" to catch the train. If you think deeply , it normally takes about 2-3 mins to wait for another train. People could loose the few minutes in all other way easily ( e.g. over-slept, playing TV games , gossip). But they could put aside thier manner (儀態) for this few minutes ? I always wonder why ??

Is that becase of the social norms ? You will look strange if you not "run" ? From economic point of view, is that the opportunity cost of time in HK is so high that we do not afford to wait for a few minutes ?

I personally also "run" in the perform, especially during the morning time as I always need to catch every second to avoid late... it might be the PRESSURE in HK to make people run. It seems like if you are not running , you are not busy and you have no pity.... so poor .. people in HK.

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