Jun 26, 2007

Baby Sitting !

Last Sunday, I went to visit baby Leanne again. She is now 3 months old and I found she is more "mature" than she was first born. When she slept, she can stay very stable and peace... but when people talked , she would open her eyes and see... so curious she is.

We had in total 4 babies coming for this gathering, it recalled my memory of childhood times. My cousin, brothers and sisters were used to get together during different occasions, like CNY, Mid-Autumn.... and it was just that noisy.

Here you see, I am trying to let baby Leanne sleeping in my arms, it seems she is quite enjoying... hum.... am I qualify to be a baby sitter !

Babies are getting very excited during "cake cutting" time, even not their own birthday and baby Leanne is still sleeping...


etceteramommy said...

You're qualified to be a mummy lor.. :P

CL said...

Agreed wih Yvonne. The time is ticking. Tick tock tick tock.